YUM: Plant-based Recipes for a Gluten-free Diet

I love, love, love this book! Theresa Nicassio's "YUM: Plant-based Recipes for a Gluten-free Diet" is an excellent cookbook and resource for those on gluten-free diets. The mini book that was included is a great resource as well. It includes sections such as "The Psychology of Eating" and "How to Transition to YUM Living". Also included is a special diet and allergy chart that tells which recipes fit certain guidelines, such as being soy-free, caffeine-free, raw-infused, etc. The recipe I want to try the most from the mini book is the macaroni and cheese recipe.
The larger book (hardbound) is attractive and well-organized. In addition to recipes, there are a lot of colorful, attractive photos that add to the book's appeal for use as a coffee table book. I really like the sections "Sustainable Kitchen Tips 101" and "Funky Ingredients". There is also a special diet and allergy chart like the one included in the mini book as well as conversion charts. The recipes that I'm most interested in trying from this book include "Instant Raw Applesauce" (I love applesauce), "Asian Coleslaw With Kale" (it just sounds good) and "Lemon Cupcakes", though there are many more (especially in the Pure Decadence and For The Munchies Sections) that I want to try as well. Now that I'm browsing through once again, those peanut butter cookie sandwiches are catching my eye. Maybe I should stop glancing through the book for a while...
On a side note, there is also an "Essential Extras" section that gives recipes/instructions on how to make gluten-free condiments and sauces that are found in most kitchens. This section should come in real handy as well.
"YUM" is a great recipe book and educational resource for those who wish/need to pursue a gluten-free/plant-based diet (such as those with Celiac disease who wish to also pursue a vegetarian diet). In addition to the tips and recipes, there is a lot of other information, educational resources, advice included. I would recommend this book to anyone who could benefit from the provided information, or those whose family members could benefit. I would rate this book more than five stars if I could.
I obtained my copy from a Goodreads giveaway and I appreciate the opportunity to read and review this book.
