One Less. One More.

Robbie Vorhaus's "One Less. One More" would make a nice gift for that stressed out person. Granted, The book is not some kind of panacea, holding the cure for everything that may ail someone, but it is full of some very useful advise. I find the idea of doing one less negative thing each day and one more positive thing quite an endearing philosophy. All big changes are made in little, baby steps. Those who attempt to follow the advise in this book will not find their lives overhauled the very next day, but if they are consistent in following the advice, they will notice big changes in time. True happiness is not found in wallets or mansions, rather it is found in the small, individual acts we do each day. When people begin to realize this, they often become less stressed, and oftentimes, easier to be around. I have tried to do this each day, even before I received this book, not because I expect to overhaul my life, but just because I am a hippy-ish, chuckle-headed wierdo.
I would definitely read more of Mr. Vorhaus's books in the future. This book was won from
