Broken Skies

Theresa Kay's "Broken Skies" was a wonderful surprise. I simply loved this book! I especially enjoyed the character of Jax Mitchell. I still am not entirely sure how I feel about Lir; I guess my feelings towards him are yet to be determined (cliffhangers, yeesh! LOL). Now I am impatiently awaiting the next book in the Broken Skies Series. 
Ms. Theresa Kay did a wonderful job with the writing. The book is rather addicting and I imagine I'll end up reading it again just before the next in the series comes out, partially due to 'refreshing my memory' and also because it's simply enjoyable!. 
I would recommend this book to YA dystopian fans or others who simply like a good fantasy/sci-fi story. I won a copy from the website in exchange for a review.
