Paper Wishes

Paper Wishes

Lois Sepahban's "Paper Wishes" is a sweet story relating a serious issue, the Japanese Internment camps of the 1940's. The story is about a young girl, Manami, and her family who are removed from their island home during this period. I enjoyed reading it, and even found myself teary-eyed a couple times.
I did learn quite a bit while reading this book, as I researched a lot of the events and locations mentioned in this book online. Since this is something most history classes skim over, I did not know many details regarding what had transpired during this time frame. Hopefully this book encourages other readers to do the same.
Lois Sepahban is a good writer and I would not hesitate to read her works again in the future. I received an advance reader's edition from Farrar Straus Giroux and I appreciate the opportunity to read and review this book.
